The Giles Coppice housing estate, in London SE19, is one of several groups of properties managed by the Dulwich Estate in the Dulwich area of south London.

The Giles Coppice Residents’ Association (GCRA) was formed in 1988 to address estate matters that may concern all residents of Giles Coppice and to represent the residents as a formal body in their general dealings with the Dulwich Estate. The GCRA Constitution (The Rules of the Association) can be read here.

Membership is by property, rather than by resident, requiring just one subscription per household. It is open to residents and tenants of all properties on the estate, which includes all 45 houses in Giles Coppice and the two houses in Glebehyrst.

Payment of a modest annual subscription is all that is required and provides members with voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and direct participation in matters concerning the coppice. The Association meets the member subscription requirements to be officially recognised by Dulwich Estate.
In recent years the Association has successfully applied for funding from Southwark Council's ‘Cleaner Greener Safer’ programme to install supplementary low energy lighting along pathways on the estate. At the AGM in 2022 a sub-committee was formed to look into green energy and sustainability opportunities for the coppoce.

Association funds go towards overseeing the maintenance of open ground, tree works, planting around the coppice, an annual summer party, production of newsletters, venue hire for the Annual General Meeting and any costs arising from and agreed at the AGM each year.

This website is primarily for the benefit and use of Members of the Residents’ Association, and is maintained by the Association’s Committee. There is also What'sApp group for residents to discuss general topics of interest or concern across the coppice.

If you would like to join the Association please get in touch with the Committee by using the form on the Contact page. We encourage all residents, whether owners or tenants, of any of the properties on the estate to join the Association. The Committee gives its time voluntarily and any members of the Association are welcome to join.

Japanese Maple ‘Osakazuki’ leaves

Japanese Maple ‘Osakazuki’ leaves in Giles Coppice, photographed for the 2020 Giles Coppice Xmas card by Jane Plüer.