
The Rules and Constitution of the Giles Coppice Residents’ Association.


The name of the Association shall be Giles Coppice Residents’ Association hereafter called the Association.


The Association shall have as its objects the furtherance of the community interest of its members and the maintenance and improvement of the amenities affecting them.


Membership shall be open to all residents of Giles Coppice, including Glebehyrst, London SE19 but voting shall be restricted to one vote per property.

The annual subscription shall be £10 in respect of each property and shall be due on 1 January each year. This may be revised by agreement with the Association from time to time.

Membership of the Association shall terminate:

a) Upon a member giving written notice to that effect to the Hon. Secretary.

b) Upon a member ceasing to be either a tenant or resident.


The Committee shall consist of up to seven members of the Association, the officers thereof being a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

The election of the Committee shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.

Committee members so elected shall hold office until the following annual General Meeting, when they shall be eligible for re-election without re-nomination.

Membership of the Committee is voluntary and unpaid.

Nomination for the membership of the Committee shall be proposed and seconded by two members of the Association and notified to the Secretary in advance of the Annual General Meeting and shall include the written consent of the nominee.

The Committee

The Committee shall be empowered to fill any vacancy occurring on the Committee or among the officers for the remainder of its term of office; it shall also be empowered to co-opt up to three extra members if necessary. The Committee shall also be empowered to appoint sub-Committees from the membership, whose decisions will be subject to confirmation by the Committee. The Committee shall meet as and when required, its quorum consisting of simple majority of its members, at least two of whom must be officers.


The Annual General meeting of the Association shall be held not later than 31 March in each year. A report will be given at the Annual General Meeting of the year’s work of the Association.

An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association may be convened at any time by the Secretary, either upon written instructions of the Committee, or the written request signed by no fewer than ten members of the Association.

At the Annual General Meeting of the Association, or at any Extraordinary General Meeting, 25% of the membership shall constitute a quorum, and if not present, the meeting shall be adjourned to another day when members present shall form a quorum.

An Ordinary General Meeting of the Association may be convened on fourteen written days’ notice to the members, which notice shall contain the Agenda.

Seven days’ notice in writing must be given to the Secretary of any resolution to be moved at any General Meeting unless such resolution is admitted by the Chairman at the Meeting.

A notice containing all resolution and nominations to be moved, with the names of those proposing and seconding each resolution or nomination, shall be kept by the Secretary and be available for inspection by any member for seven days before the General Meeting.


Each property is permitted one vote. Voting at a meeting of the Association shall be by simple majority and be by show of hands, unless a ballot is demanded by a majority. In the case of equality the Chairman shall have the casting vote. 


The property and funds of the Association shall be held and administered by the Committee; a resolution of the Committee shall be sufficient authority for any payment therefrom.

Alteration to the Rules and Constitution

No Alteration to the Rules and Constitution of the Association shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting.

All complaints and suggestions on matters regarding the Association shall be made to the Committee, preferably in writing. The form on the Contact page of this website can be used for this purpose.


This Constitution was agreed at the Inaugural General Meeting of the Giles Coppice Residents’ Association at the end of 1988.

A copy of the minutes of the first GCRA Committee meeting can be downloaded in Resources.

It was updated by agreement of the Committee in May 2017.